Tuesday, 9 October 2012



you hear some say water source in this case i mean the very point or site where you get water for end use for instance taps, river borehole or wells.
It is more lik a joke when you hear someone say there is shortage of water, when about 70% of the earths surface is water maybe the question could be who gets quality water when, where and how? In actual sense such subjects menttion are those with well or at least structure which enable them to drink clean water.
in my field of work i have found a lot of challenging situations where people dig small shallow wells as source of water for humans and animals. and just near or around these wells could be animal dropings.
You can't imaging how much dirty and microbes mix with the water they drink. Some of the victims opt for clean and safe drinking water but stick too the dirty one due to lack of resources. Though health education is necessary health promotion comes with behaviour change and is hard for most of the indigenouse people who are deep routed in thier beliefs

this water dries out at certain times meaning they have to wait or look for alternatives. they share the little water with animals cattle, pigs, dogs that they keep.
more  over most of these people have poor sanitary behaviours some do not have toilets and so they resort to open defeacation, which posses a risk during rain seasons as the rains flood the earth it carries with it all the dirty into varrious  water sources, thus contaminnating the water.
the image to the right shows a man fetching water he may seem better than the one shown above the well here is looks deeper and has lid for covering the orifice. however, it is not fenced and has no protective linning, the system of fetching where he is using tree fiber for a rope and bucket undoubtedly dirty, no windrass and just a few steps away is a cattle kraal. all these just put  the water  at high risk of contamination.
these are real pictures represnting the hardship which some poeple face save the water every drop counts!!!!!


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